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NMDA Board of Directors

The directors represent you, the members. Feel free to get in touch with any of us about anything.

Diane Calderon
1576 N. Rustler Trail
Camp Verde, AZ 86322
(623) 203-8266
E-mail: dchorses10@gmail.com

Ellen Dahlstet
2961 County Road 31
Blair, NE 68008
(402) 238-2738
E-mail: xfeddonk@earthlink.net

Dolores Durando
Box 295
Williams, OR 97544
(541) 846-0135

Lynn Gattari
6450 Dewey Rd.,
Rome, NY 13440
(315) 336-0154
E-mail: deweymeadowsfarm@aol.com

Marilane Jorgenson  
PO Box 502
Williams, OR 97544
(541) 226-6636
E-mail: renfarm1@oigp.net

NMDA Central Office

General Manager

Lynn Gattari
6450 Dewey Rd.,
Rome, NY 13440
Ph. (315) 336-0154
E-mail: nmdaasset@aol.com

Show Chairperson

Diane Calderon
1576 N. Rustler Trail
Camp Verde, AZ 86322
(623) 203-8266
E-mail: dchorses10@gmail.com